Work, kids, housework... I'll give you one guess which of those three is lagging behind? It's not work or kids.
I'm actually feeling pretty proud of myself. I haven't been late to work once, I've gotten dinner on the table by 6.30 every night, I'm not buying coffee everyday. It's been ok so far, but I tell you what, the level of organisation is making me feel a bit nutso.
I hate being organised. I'm a bit of a chaotic person. I'm messy. Cluttered. Not dirty, just beautiful disarray. Being a mother has forced me to pull my shit together. I am up at 6 most mornings, breastfeeding a baby, showering and getting ready for work, then putting food in the slow cooker for dinner that night. If the kids aren't awake by 7, Juffin wakes them up and gets them sorted with breakfast while I put my make-up on. I can't go to work without make-up on. I literally can't.
I pack two lunchboxes the night before. Lunchbox fillers include oat biscuits, banana bread or muffins, leftover pizza, sausage rolls, cheese, yoghurt, corn cobs, beetroot, olives, ham and cheese sandwiches, vegemite crackers, rice snacks, hummus, and fruit. Most of the above is homemade.
I then organise Molly's milk. She doesn't drink much during the day, thank goodness, so I can get away with sending 300mls of breast milk separated into 3 bottles. I send a spare just in case, I pump at work and in the evening just before bed. Last week I donated 2 litres of breast milk to a lady who's baby has ties and won't feed properly. I couldn't fit anymore in my freezer.
I take meat out for dinner the next day tidy up the lunchbox filling mess. I also get some snacks together for myself to take to work.
I fold and snap nappies together and make sure I have enough for the day at daycare. I pack a minimum of 10 nappies, even though they will probably only use 4 or 5. You never know with babies. I check that she has enough wipes and bum cream and put an extra wetbag in just case.
I check Mushroom's bag and make sure he has his hat, sunscreen and shoes.
I wash and fill all the kids drink bottles, 7489 and counting, and put them in the fridge.
I then sit down to watch TV whilst I fold the washing.
Before bed, around 10.30, I pump and chat to my friends on facebook. I finish pumping and wash up the rest of the dishes and put powder in the dishwasher. I find Juffin in his study and say goodnight.
In bed I chat to my friends on messenger until I realise it's nearly 11 and my eyes are falling out of my head. I turn the light off and settle down to sleep.
Just as I'm drifting off Molly starts squawking and Juffin goes in to try and settle her. I always lay awake waiting for her to be quiet before I can go to sleep. Sometimes it doesn't happen. Like last night, I was up with her until after 1. She wasn't having a bar of Daddy at all.
When I finally crawl back into bed I am exhausted. Juffin tries to cuddle me but I'm too tired to move.
5 hours later I get up and do it all over again... and I only work 2.5 days.
I salute you working Mums. You are all fucking awesome and you deserve a pat on the back.
I'll also give a shout out to my Juffin, a man who walks in the door after a long, hot day, and is often greeted by an angry Mum who's had enough. Thank you for working hard, thank you for trying, and thank you for never uttering a word of complaint.
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Such a goodlooking bunch! |
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