Disorganised much?
I've decided to bite the bullet and buy her a pram and a baby because it's all she really loves to play with. I don't know why I have a problem with it, I just do. But I have to get over it because everything is bubba, even poor Batman, so let's just give the girl what she wants!
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My do poo's Mummy |
We've started being a bit more pro-active with the toilet training now that we've over our upset tummy from last week.
She is really keen on the potty but does need some encouragement of the sugared variety.
Lollies have been working a treat.
Yes. I'm that parent.
School has really ramped up the ever increasing passage of time.
We're going into week 8 next week, have to pick times for Teacher Parent interviews, school photos and Mushroom is writing actual words on paper and reading things.
Like really. Today he's been drawing ghosts on everything and running around 'scaring' people. He then wrote 'gost' on a piece of paper because he just sounded it out and he "just worked it out Mum".
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Genius |
He's clearly a genius.
Later on I told him all about the silent h and showed him how to spell ghost properly but he was so excited and proud and quickly rewrote it so it was right.
Proud Mama right here.
Mushroom also had his first school disco. I'm not sure I was prepared for the level of screaming that I was privy too, nor the headless chicken running around that they all did, but it was hilarious and fun and I got to meet Mushroom's little friend's mum. Who seems really lovely. And normal.
Bit disappointing really.
Hahah. Just kidding! It's great that Max has made such a nice little mate. It was my worst fear that he would be unhappy and have no-one to talk to.
Unfortunately they're going away for school holidays so no play dates there, but hopefully Juffin will find things for them to do. He's taking some holidays so I don't have to.
The disco was hilarious and I almost got out of there without having to buy one of those stupid light up noisy toys but alas 10 minutes before home time he found out that they were selling them at the tuckshop and I couldn't say no because I'm a sucker.
Work has been quite trying this week. It always is at this time of year. Health insurance goes up and people get angry. I get it. I'm angry too. I have it and wonder, just like you, what the point is, but what's the alternative? I waited for 18 months to have a hernia repair. Which was probably minor to start with but ended up being major surgery and I had to have 6 weeks off work. I couldn't drive. I couldn't pick up my kids. I couldn't do the bloody washing. My Mum had to come and help and it was actually a blessing that Juffin wasn't working at the time otherwise we would have been screwed.
I mean I had a fucking drain in my guts for 4 weeks. Talk about nightmare. If we'd had the money, I would have had that damn operation privately whilst I was still on maternity leave. And therein lies the problem, the Medicare Scheduled Fee is too low and the Dr's charge heaps more and unfortunately the person left paying that gap is the patient. It sucks. I wish I knew what the answer is, but I don't.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that just because we work in the industry, doesn't mean we don't understand what you're going through. Our premium is going up too. Not our wage. Those wait times at the public hospital are not made up or fear mongering, they're long. It's fact. If you are calling to compare, then have some info ready so the people on the other end of the phone can assist you. Like the name of your cover, the cost, the rebate level you're on, the things that you're interested in being covered for. All this info helps out that person immensely. You have no idea!
Juffin started back at uni this week. He's been buying text books and whingeing about our shitty internet for a week now. Only 11 more to go!
I started a 30 mins for 30 days workout challenge that I found on youtube and tonight made 7 days straight! I did the hill this morning but the video for today was just a stretch/yoga session. It was the perfect end to a hectic week and made me realise how inflexible I am! With practice I'll get there. I am 36 after all. Bonus is that now I can actually see the difference in my body and am keener than ever to get fitter, stronger and healthier! Hooray for feeling good about myself and finally looking after my poor, neglected temple.
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