To say the least.
Just to recap since June I have been to Brisbane 3 times.
I eloped.
I helped celebrate my Mum's 60th by being the drunkest person there and writing myself off in spectacular Jess fashion.
I had my 20 year high school reunion.
I spent a week in Brisbane with my beautiful sister and her fam bam.
My sister got married to the boy next door, whom we have been friends with for 25 years. It was a moment.
I travelled alone with Molly Maniac and survived.
I came home and took a few days and had the best spa experience of my damn life.
And now we're here!
I bought a dress online for Amy's wedding that was a shift dress. I tried it on when it arrived and it was fine. I mean it wasn't anything like my usual style and I didn't think I looked stunning in it but it was pretty and I liked it. When I tried it on for the boys, Juffin loved it but Mushroom said I looked like a hairy bird... hmmmm. Anyway, fast forward a few weeks, ie days before the wedding, and I thought I'd better try it on again. I'd done zero exercise and eaten all the foods and the shift dress that looked ok before, now looked like a floral sausage casing... FML. How could this happen?! Why do I have no stamina? No self control? FFS I was going to have to buy a new bloody dress! As luck would have it, I'd bought myself a new dress from a vintage style shop a week ago and took that with me just in case I was just having a fat day, not just fat.
Alas. Fat.
Wore the vintage style dress and didn't match my family at all but hey! At least I didn't look like a floral encased sausage.
Lesson learnt. Stick with what you know suits you!
My kids have been pretty great through this tumultuously busy time. I have been away a fair bit, and not exactly present when I have been around and this is something I need to work on... enough with the insta stories Jess! They have trooped on regardless with very little bad behaviour, well no more than usual, and lots of disruption to routine and sleep. We've been back to our regular scheduled program the last two weeks and they're still a bit hit and miss in the sleep department but bribery is working a treat. Hooray for bribery, an essential in any parent's arsenal.
Molly highlights include: falling in love with her cousin Rubie, and her new uncle Shiney, killing it on the plane and not carrying on at all, having the time of her life at the wedding dancing and creating burger ring angels on the floor, loving Amy's dog Obi to death, rocking her flower girl dress, telling everyone that she's a 'dancing queen', staying up til 10 most nights and still waking at 6am when we were on holidays, remembering a million people's names after only meeting them once AND talking a million miles an hour to all and sundry.
Mushroom has also been going great guns. He got his first award at school. Which I fucking missed because they didn't let me know in time but let's rise above. He wore his first suit and rocked it, got up early with Dad and went to before and after school care every day that Mum was away, has started putting all his clothes away without me having to ask him 45 million times, getting ready for school with no yelling from Mum, first school excursion and they took the BUS, and he's graduated from basic paper plane construction to aeronautical engineered marvels and my house is full of them. Aside from all these things he is generally the funniest, cuddliest, cutie pie on the planet and I love him to bits. This school thing has been such a huge adjustment for him and has made me realise how much I'll miss my baby boy when he's big.
I felt really bad that I didn't have him with me the whole time that I was in Brisbane but I didn't want him to miss that much school and Juffin didn't have enough leave left at work to be with us... I don't think he noticed but it would be nice to holiday with my fam more often so the kids can hang out more. I miss being close to them.
My new husband and I have been like ships in the night. Work, uni, travel, housework, a lack of effort and connection on both sides... I know we just got married but we have been together for 10 and a half years. You forget that you still need to make time for each other, talk, cuddle, make out in the kitchen. I will put my hand up and say that since having kids I don't initiate intimacy very much at all, and I guess that takes it's toll. I'm working on it. We are both trying harder, being nicer, touching. Whatever it is, it's working. It's nice to feel loved and sexy and do nice things for someone who appreciates you.
Wow. I'm a cheeseburger. Can you say lame?!
Here we are, it's almost September and I feel like I blinked because it was February 5 minutes ago. Obviously my attempt to blog weekly got left by the way side months ago but hey, I tried. I honestly don't think that my life is interesting enough to write about weekly anyway. You can follow me on insta if you want bullshit updates on the daily cos I post some serious shit on my stories over there. Like for real. Last night I decided to treat everyone to a dazzling rundown on my skincare regime and selfies after exercise.
See? I'm the LAMEST. It's riveting stuff....
Till next time xo
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My world |
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