Last Friday, we made the long drive to Womba (this is what my kids call the mining town where the in-laws live) and dropped off the first born.
By long drive, I really mean long. Long drives suck at the best of times, long drives with 2 year old's is next level.
In the first 2 hours of the journey I think we heard 'Are we at Meme's yet?' 14675 times.
She also dropped things constantly.
M: Mummy!
Me: Yes Molly.
M: Mummy!
Me: Yes Molly?!
M: Mummy!
M: My dropped my doll. Can you get it? Get it. Get it Mum. Get it. My can't reach it. Get it. GET IT MUM! GET IT!
FML kill me now!
The constant demands for food, toilet stopping, food, picking things up, food, toilet stopping, is enough to make a Mum lose her mind. About two hours in, I honestly thought we'd be flat out making it by nightfall, if at all. They were literally screaming whenever they saw a tree/cow/blade of grass. Juffin had to have some stern words because I use stern words all the time and everyone just ignores me.
Mushroom was a peach in comparison to his sister and the point when they both fell asleep was a bit like heaven.
Hats off to those who drive big distances with little ones.
You guys are fucking crazy.
Or well stocked with the tech because our kids have none.
Of course despite offering numerous times to drive, I was not given a chance behind the wheel so I read my books and dozed and assisted in dispensing snacks, picking stuff up and ignoring everyone.
Ahh. The joys.
I don't know if it was just the novelty of the initial trip or the fact that her brother was missing on the return journey but Miss almost 3 slept most of the way home, only waking just outside of Bowen when we stopped for fuel.
Sidenote, halfway between Collinsville and Bowen our fuel gauge went blank and it appeared that we were almost empty. Being the thrillseekers that we are, we forged on. As soon as we saw the service station we pulled in and filled up. We got 57 litres. It's a 60 litre tank. We were inndeed running on fumes.
Life on the edge man, yeow.
We made it. 1100kms or thereabouts in 2 days. Just over 12 hours of driving so my little big boy could spend his last week of holidays with the grandies.
I tell you what, it's bloody quiet without him. Molly is missing him the most in the afternoons but I think she's enjoying having us all to herself.
And Mushroom is being spoilt, loving being the centre of attention and having a grand old time giving them heaps for a change.
I miss him and his crappy attitude.
Only 2.5 days to go...
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I didn't even know that that light was on for hours... bloody kids! |