From the day he was born Mushroom has been mesmerised by the corner of our bedroom. One particular corner. At first, I thought he was just attracted to the way the light looks when the sun shines in and hits the corner of the room etc. Baby's can't really see properly at first so (I thought) obviously he is drawn to the shadows and light that flickers at different times of the day.
Fast forward a few weeks and we're having our morning cuddles. The Mushroom has started smiling so we're lapping it up. He smiles at Mummy, he smiles at Juffin, he smiles at the corner. Hang on, what? He smiles at the corner?! Yep, he is smiling at the corner. Smiling, cooing, and gurgling actually. Basically the loving gummy smiles we're getting are also being shared with the boring old corner. Hmmm... We try turning the Mushroom around so he's facing a different direction and he forcibly moves his head to stare back at the corner, talking and smiling! Immediately I'm thinking of mental disorders which make baby's talk to corners and as per usual google way too much and stress myself out by thinking of a million things that could be wrong with my baby. Juffin, the voice of reason, tells me to calm down and continues to laugh and play with the Mushroom. I try to shrug it off also but every time he looks at that corner....
One morning after Juffin has gone to work and Mushroom is nattering away to his corner, I try a little experiment and lay the Mushroom down out of harms way and I try to look at the corner from his angle. Nope, just a corner. I was thinking that he's looking at where his Juffin Daddy usually sits/sleeps but no, it's not that. I don't remember when but at one point I mention spooky type spirit stuff but we laugh it off and discount it as one of those odd things that baby's do.
Even though every day he has a little yarn to the corner. Every single day....
Being the crazy person that I am and obviously having imagination to spare, I don't let it go. Not in the slightest. Why doesn't he stare at other parts of the house? Why this one corner in our bedroom? Light filters through all over the place. We have blinds, lots of them. Baby's like the stripes so I can understand why he stares at those. The fan, sure. Out the open door whilst I'm doing the washing in the laundry, yes. But this bedroom corner is not special. It's just a corner. I can't understand why of all the corners in the whole house, that he continues to be mesmerised by this particular one? I make things worse by calling it the creepy corner. It's not really creepy. It's only creepy because Mushroom keeps talking to it. And that's creepy. Baby's talking to things that aren't there...
Last night, things got weirder. I wake up to a chatting baby at 3.34am. If the Mushroom wakes up at night, he cries for a feed, I feed him, he goes back to sleep. This didn't happen last night. Last night he's having a good ol' gasbag to an unseen entity. Chatting away, no tears, no grunts of trying to get up, just gooing and gaaing, la lol leee, you know, baby talk. I wake up the Juffin and I mouth at him WTF?! He barely acknowledges my concern, as per usual, but this is not normal Mushroom behaviour. I lay awake listening to him having a big chat freaking out about who's in the room with us!
This is not your usual ghost story. There were no cold shivers, no fog, no flashes of light. It's just my baby, having a yarn, with something that I can't see. Eventually he shut up and went back to sleep. Just like that. My Mushroom never drifts off by himself unless he's in the car, or in the pram. Doesn't happen.
I know that things always seem creepy at 3 in the morning, but even in the cold light of day, I'm convinced that there's something that hangs out in the corner, in our bedroom, that the Mushroom can see that we can't. The Mushroom has made an unseen friend and is talking to that someone, or (F**K!!!) something, on a regular basis. It's not a bad 'thing'. It's not unfriendly. It's just there and the Mushroom can see it and we can't.
I know you all think I'm a fruit loop now but I just don't care. Google it. There are a gazillion links to other people who think their baby's talk to ghosts too!
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The creepy corner. I know. It looks harmless... |
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