22 May 2018

Week Twenty

I'm getting later and later with these bloody posts.  First it was Sunday, then it was Monday, and now here I am on Tuesday night thinking shit, I didn't post my blog yet.  I am clearly committed.

Last week marked our second in a row of no TV. 


We stopped turning on the TV.  Even on the weekend.

The kids have actually been fine.  It's beautiful weather here in sunny NQ and they've just been playing outside, drawing, making lego messes and generally entertaining themselves.

To say I'm shocked would be an understatement. 

I thought we'd have major issues and so far, none. 

They did watch a movie on Sunday after we got home after an outing on Sunday
 but compared to the months past, where the TV was on more and more, it's a vast fucking improvement.

BUT what about their behaviour I hear you ask?

WELL Mushroom's teacher did remark that he was very much improved!  There are a few other changes that we've made, sticker charts, removing items for bad behaviour and basically increasing our position re discipline and what's expected of him and it's been pretty good.  Like I don't feel like a shit parent 99% of the time, maybe only 70% now, so woo! 

We've had a few hairy mornings where all the boy's stickers have been removed from the chart and he's had to start from scratch but once he knew that we meant business, he's been much better!  Not sure that the 2 year old understands what is going on but she seems to like putting stickers on the chart and the threat of no stickers has succeeded thus far.  It may be too early to say it's been a total success, I mean let's not count our chickens, but there's been a marked improvement.  This parenting gig is fucking hard work.

This also happened....

Yes!  We got a new car!  Well new for us.  Juffin went to the auction and picked up a bargain.  We're a bit stoked.  It's older, and has more kms than we wanted but it is SCHMICK and it's a vast improvement on my old bomb so huzzah!  And I tell you what the best thing ever is!  Listening to my own tunes and rocking the F out!!  I can STREAM from my phone!  It's amazing!  I can now listen to podcasts on the go and do the bluetooth thing.  Feel like I've been jettisoned into the 21st century and have no idea what any of the buttons do like a proper old person but whatever. 


Molly had her first haircut as well!  It was a big week. I took her to my beautiful hairdresser and she's just the best.  Molly was good for the first 4 minutes and then I had to utilise Peppa Pig via you tube to get it done.  Still has fluffy tentacles but at least they're not hanging in her eyes and hindering her toddler vision, which is shit at the best of times.


Other things of note to record from last week include eating too much at stupid work morning tea (zero self control these days!), starting and finishing book club book, rediscovering my love of dancing in the kitchen, the royal wedding and being really and truly happy for Megs and Harry, mastering the lemonade scone and our first little outing in Shirley the pearly girly! 

How's the serenity?

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