22 Jan 2018

Week Three

What a hectic seven days the last week was!

Highlights include: the booklist stuff finally showing up, Molly moving into her big girl bed, hitting the 10kg weightloss mark, realising that I cannot contact books for shit and Mushroom starting school! 

Hitting a weightloss milestone is pretty great but you need something to treat yourself with, unfortunately, my idea of a treat is generally deep fried or covered in chocolate... or both.  So I decided to book in and get my waxing done.

Now that might not sound like a treat to most, but, seriously, when you're a time poor Mum who hates shaving, it's like heaven to go in and have all the hair on your legs, underarms and bikini ripped out with hot wax.  I think if I'd stepped on the scales that afternoon, my weightloss would actually have been 15kg not 10.... hairy as a mofo.  And lazy as shit. But my eyebrows look fabulous.  Honestly.  I love them.  My best feature at present.

Sadly, I'm losing yet another waxologist in 3 years as my girl is moving on to bigger and better things.  I'm trying not to be bitter about it, but shit it sucks having to find a new girl. I think laser is the way forward.  Can anyone advise?  I need feedback people.

After spending close to $600 on school shit we are pretty fucking poor at present so I'm making an concerted effort to reign in the unnecessary spending.  I wish I could just blame Juffin but I'm pretty sure I'm the weakest link.  That or we both suck.  I feel like someone else just needs to take us in hand but we're too old to be living like this and someone needs to grow up and take responsibility.  I just don't want to be that person.  Anyway, I'm going to start baking again and Juffin is offering weekend car servicing so if you know of anyone who needs either of those things, just send them our way!

Proud as!
Molly has been in her big girl bed for two nights now and so far so good.  She's still coming in for a big chinwag at 2am but goes back to bed without issue so we're just trying to focus on that.  My MIL bought all the linen and whilst I appreciate the thought, I really wanted to do my own thing.. parents.  Of course, being so broke means that I haven't bought anything so it really is a blessing but far out.  It's bloody mint and pink.  Mint I can handle, the pink, not so much.  I wish it didn't bug me so much.  Fingers crossed for continued big girl bed success! 

I've been out and about the last few Saturday nights and I've been so well behaved.  I love drinking, like, I love getting boozed up, but I'm an obnoxious drunk person, and I don't have much self control, so Jess on the booze usually makes for a messy night.  Slowly, over the last few years, I've started to curb that shit.  I'll still have a few drinks, but then I'll stop.  Like a responsible adult person.  I drink water.  I drink the same thing all night.  I get home before midnight.  Last Saturday I had two beers and drove. 

I'm wearing my $3 Big W tank
I mean don't get me wrong, I have been shitfaced a few times in that time frame, and I will absolutely get shitfaced again, but I'm trying not to be like I was before.  Before I was a parent, it was a regular occurrence.  I don't know if I had a problem with it, probably, but I feel like it's not an issue anymore.  I don't wake up feeling bad about myself and worrying about what stupid awful thing I said to people I love.  That, and, I don't need the extra expense or the calories!  What a waste! 

Well that was a bit real!  Whoa!  Tangent!

The point was, that I committed to doing the hill every Sunday morning and I've made 4 out of 4.  Despite some late Saturday nights, and, I'm pretty proud of myself.  Special thanks go to my hill buddies Champ and Rem for dragging themselves out of bed stupidly early to do it with me.  I honestly wouldn't go if I knew someone wasn't waiting there for me! 

AND my big boy started school finally!  There was a bit of talk last night about not wanting to go, having to go five whole days, all the big kids blah blah blah and then again this morning but we made it.  I will do a separate blog about it later in the week after he's been there a few days as I feel that I need to devote a whole post to our experience.  Molly definitely missed her bro on the drive to kindy this morning and kept asking where he was.  Tomorrow will be interesting when he's not around and it's just me and my girl... it's never been just us before! 

He is actually gorgeous :-)

Hope all your little ones had a good first day at school.  It'll be Christmas again before we know it... 

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